Make testable predictions. 作出檢驗的預測。
Scientists use an hypothesis to make testable predictions about what should happen if the hypothesis is valid.
They often do this by making “if …then” predictions. Bormann and Likens predicted that if their original hypothesis was valid for nitrogen, then a cleared forest should also lose other soil nutrients such as phosphorus.
他們經常這樣做 “如果...則”的預測。Bormann和Likens,如果他們原來的假設對氮來說正確的,則清除森林應該失去其他土壤養分比如說:磷。
Test the predictions with further experiments, models, or observations.
To test their prediction, Bormann and Likens repeated their controlled experiment and measured the phosphorus content of the soil. Another way to test predictions is to develop a model, an approximate representation or simulation of a system being studied.
以檢驗其預測,Bormann和 Likens重複他們的實驗和測量控制的磷含量的土壤。另一種方式來預測測試是建立一個模式,一種接近表現或類似系統研究。
Since Bormann and likens performed their experiments, scientists have developed increasingly sophisticated mathematical and computer models of how a forest system works. Data from bormann and Likens’s research and that of other scientists can be fed into such models and used to predict the loss of phosphorus and other types of soil nutrients. These predictions can be compared with the actual measured losses to test the validity of such models.
自從Bormann和Likens做的實驗,科學家們已研製日益複雜的數學和計算機模型如何森林系統的工作。Bormann和 Likens的研究數據和其他科學家可以輸入這樣的模式來預測損失的磷和其他類型的土壤養分。這種模式之下,這些預測可能與實際測量的損失是具有正確性。
2009年3月3日 星期二
In the United States and most other affluent countries, the air is cleaner, drinking water is purer, and most rivers and lakes are cleaner than they were in the 1970s. in addition, the food supply is more abundant and safer and the incidence of life-threatening infectious diseases has been greatly reduced.
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