Second, when electrical energy in the form of moving electrons glows through filament wires in an incandescent light bulb, about 5% of it changes into useful light and 95%flows into the environment as low-quality heat. In other words, the incandescent light bulb is really an energy-wasting heat bulb.
第二,當電能的形式,通過移動電子通過白燈光燈泡的細絲導線發光,約5 %的轉化為有用的光和95 %流入環境低質量的熱量。換言之,白燈光燈泡確實是一個能源浪費熱燈泡。
Third, in living systems, solar energy is converted into chemical energy(food molecules) and then into mechanical energy (for moving, thinking, and living). During each conversion, high-quality energy is degraded and flows into the environment as low-quality heat. Trace the flows and energy conversions in figure2-7 to see how this happens.
第三,在生物系統,太陽能轉化為化學能(食品分子) ,然後為機械能(移動,思想和生活) 。在每次轉換,高品質的能源是降低和流入環境低質量的熱量。看圖2- 7就會知道這怎麼發生微量的流動和能量轉換。